Puffins belong to the Auk family of seabirds, which also includes razorbills and guillemots. They are relatively small birds, measuring 30 cm in length with a wingspan of 55 cm and weighing around 400 grams. Their diet mainly consists of sandeels, capelin, and herring, but in recent years, puffin populations have been declining due to food shortages caused by rising sea temperatures. They are classified as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List, with major threats including climate change, overfishing, hunting, and entanglement in fishing gear.
The Iconic ‘Clown of the Sea’
One of the puffin’s most distinctive features is its colourful beak, which has earned it the nickname “clown of the sea.” During winter, their beak becomes dull, but in spring, it transforms into bright red and orange hues to attract a mate. Puffins spend most of their lives at sea, only returning to land to breed.
Breeding Season in Iceland
Puffins nest in burrows dug into soft soil or between rocks, with the breeding season running from May to mid-July. Each pair lays a single egg, which both parents take turns incubating for 36 to 43 days before the chick, known as a puffling, hatches.
Where to See Puffins Near Reykjavík
Over half of the world’s Atlantic Puffin population comes to Iceland to breed - approximately 10 million birds! The country is home to the largest Atlantic Puffin colony in the world, with the Westman Islands hosting around 700,000 nesting pairs.
For those visiting Reykjavík, there are three puffin colonies just off the coast, which can be visited on a puffin-watching tour between mid-May and August. These islands - Akurey, Engey, and Lundey are home to roughly 30,000 nesting pairs and offer an excellent opportunity to see puffins up close.
Join a puffin watching tour and experience these incredible seabirds in their natural habitat!